Located at Havenview Primary School. Old Surrey Road Burnie, Tasmania.
We moved to Burnie Tasmania from Adelaide in 2004 and after reaching our
goal of restoring our local club back up to the successful club it once was
(with the blessing from one of the founding members Bruce McCaskill)
decided to follow our passion of Medieval/Traditional Archery
and so it all began.
Loxley Archers was formed in May 2012 and became a club in its own right
in August 2012.
We are a Traditional Archery Club and teach Longbow, Horsebow, Barebow Recurve
and use Wooden or Aluminium Arrows fletched with feathers. Our regular shooting
targets consist of popinjays (birds up on a pole), wands, targets with knockout
sections etc. Our focus is on family fun and our members love the fact that they are
honing their skills without even realising
it whilst having fun. For special club events/tournaments we attend in medieval style
clothing, bring along a medieval dish to share for lunch and have a relaxing fun day.
We mainly shoot the second and fourth Saturday of the month at 1PM but
do run tourmaments at other times during the year
For information please contact Peter on 0402 783 158
Email: loxleyarchers@gmail.com
If you are 10 years old or over come and give archery a try. Children under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Facebook Loxley Traditional Archers Click here
Loxley Traditional Archers Members Only Facebook Click here
IT inititive http://www.init.net.au/help/
Burnie City Council Click here