
Emails from schools and sports organisations using our services

Sporty is a bulk email provider, with thousands of schools and sports organisations using our email servers to communicate with their communities. We send millions of emails per year on their behalf. These may be in the form of eNewsletters, Opt-in Notices, invitations to players to re-register for the new season, or simply to facilitate user access control (such as when an administrator grants access to a teacher, coach of team manager). Use of the platform and the services it provides are subject to our Terms of Use. If you believe someone is abusing the service, please report this to us and we will investigate and take appropriate action as soon as possible.

Emails directly from us at or

Occasionally we may email staff or listed representatives of Australian schools or sports organisations to announce changes to our services or to notify you of information that we believe is relevant to your organisation. We try to ensure that we remain compliant with the Australia 2003 Spam Act and we only email organisations that we believe in good faith can reasonably be expected to be interested in our services. Our emails are designed to be 'business to business' not 'business to consumer'. They always include our contact details and an unsubscribe link. If you receive an email from us but you are not associated with a school or sports organisation, then we may have emailed you in error - please either unsubscribe or let us know as soon as possible.